There is not much structure to be found in this post, I will mainly use it as a location to keep track of useful xDB troubleshooting tips and tricks.
How does all my xDB data flow and how to pinpoint/analyze issues:
To check what user you are within xDB you will need to have the value of your SC_ANALYTICS_GLOBAL_COOKIE. Copy the value without ‘| False’.
To force a Session_End you can upload the following .aspx file to a location on your website: “here - Now browse through your website(s), and end the session by hitting the sessionkill.aspx. This should trigger the the xDB data to be send towards your SQL shards.
Connect to your SQL server and execute the query below on every shard:
FROM [xdb_collection].[DeviceProfiles]
where DeviceProfileId like ‘%VALUEFROMCOOKIE%’
order by LastModified desc
The ID that is found in column “LastKnownContactId” – will map a new “ContactId” - “XXX” - This ID will be used for identification, for example in the Interaction table.
To check whether page events are written to the “interaction” tables
SELECT * from
SELECT * from [xdb_collection] .[Interactions]
where ContactId = ‘XXX’
- In case you are missing interactions, you might want to check Application Insights whether there are Session_End submits that are failing [KQL] :
| where timestamp > ago(30d)
| where operation_Name contains “GET /SESSION END”
Extracting Email addresses from xDB shards:
select c.contactid, c.created, c.LastModified, cf.FacetData, JSON_VALUE(cf.FacetData, ‘$.PreferredEmail.SmtpAddress’) AS Email
from [db-shard0db].[xdb_collection].[ContactFacets] cf
inner join [db-shard0db].[xdb_collection].[Contacts] c on c.ContactId = cf.ContactId
where cf.FacetKey = ‘Emails’
How many visits by language and month, run against your reporting database:
select SiteNameId,
DATEPART(year,[Date]) as ‘Year’,
DATEPART(month,[Date]) as ‘Month’,
sum(visits) as ‘NumberOfInteractions’
from [dbo].[Fact_LanguageMetrics] lm
inner join [dbo].[DimensionKeys] dk on lm.DimensionKeyId = dk.DimensionKeyId
group by SiteNameId,
order by SiteNameId,
How many interactions for each facet by month, run against your xDB shards:
select facetKey,
DATEPART(year,lastmodified) as ‘Year’,
DATEPART(month,lastmodified) as ‘Month’,
count(distinct interactionId) as ‘NumberOfInteractions’
from [xdb_collection].[InteractionFacets]
group by facetKey, DATEPART(year,lastmodified), DATEPART(month,lastmodified)
order by facetKey, DATEPART(year,lastmodified), DATEPART(month,lastmodified)